
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More Exciting News

Yesterday I received an email from Brent Pottenger offering up an open spot as a presenter at the Ancestral Health Symposium in a couple of months.  Since I'm already going and I've already booked the accommodations, seems like a no-brainer to accept the invitation  - also, I get to present with Jamie Scott, so double bonus!  We will do something along the lines of evolutionary medicine as a model for resiliency of body and mind, or maybe Forging Superhumans with Coconut Butter.  We'll have to see what unfolds.

The bummer part is that it looks like we will be presenting at the same time as Stephan Guyenet, and I was really looking forward to his talk!  Oh well - the 16 of you who stay in our room for our presentation are hopefully in for some fun times.

In other news, I updated my Fructose Malabsorption and Depression post for Psychology Today (now called Could Soda and Sugar Be Causing Your Depression?) including some extra studies.  That one could be important - and it would be nice if you clicked over there, stumbleupon and retweet so that maybe someone with a nose and budget for research will really look into it. 

New posts later this week!


  1. Thank you for writing about fructose malabsorption! I've had this my whole life and am so happy to see it being addressed in the media.

  2. Bummer, I really wish I could hear both you and Stephan talk :( I guess I need to practice some Hermione Granger style tricks to watch 2 talks at the same time!

    In all seriousness, for those missing one talk supposedly they will all be taped and posted online.

  3. Congratulations, and sorry I won't be able to make it to your talk! Does this mean Lierre Keith canceled?

  4. Dr. Deans, I am so glad you will be giving a talk at the symposium. I wish you and Jamie a delightful time presenting.

    I will look forward to listening to the recording.

  5. Stephan - yes, Lierre Keith had to bow out. Maybe they will shift the schedule around. Who knows?

  6. Now I'm really bummed I didn't get summer plans firmed up in time. Hearing you and Jamie co-present? I can think of few things more enjoyable!

  7. Emily great news! I wish I could find a ticket to this event but it is sold out. I wonder if there is a stub hub for this event? I hope someone uses a iclick for this event.

  8. Thank you for posting this! I did the thumbs up on stumbleupon for ya. I had some rather troubling depression as a vegan, which is now not surprising considering I ate mostly fruit and wheat...and sugar. How commonly is the fructose malabsorption test done in a clinical setting?

  9. The exact schedule is still not set in stone, so don't go by what's currently listed on the AHS website. For those looking for tickets, try putting a "seeking tickets" add on the AHS facebook page and/or one of the forums on PaleoHacks devoted to the AHS.

    Emily, I'm so stoked that you and Jamie will be able to present, though I am also disappointed that Lierre had to bow out.

  10. I wish I could be there for this event. I had a ticket but then found out that my first grandchild will be born around that date. I was able to sell my ticket so my chair would not sit empty. Hope I can make it to the next one.

    John, contact the people at the Ancestral Health Symposium and they may know of someone who has a ticket that can't be used. That is what I did when I found out I was not able to attend.

  11. What is the number or person to contact do you know? I really want to go.

  12. Emily - my gastroenterologist friend gave me the impression they rarely tested for fructmal clinically - usually just did a low fructose diet test for a few weeks followed by a fructose rechallenge to see if gas and bloating reappeared. Problem is, I know from one of the papers I reviewed that only 50% of those with fructmal by H2 breath test had GI symptoms, so I have a feeling a lot of it goes missing. It is nowhere on anyone's radar in psychiatry, I'm pretty sure. The potential numbers are huge, however.

  13. John, click on the contact link on this page You will be able to email them.

  14. Thanks for the stumbleupon link - went to a couple thousand people who might not otherwise have seen it!


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