
Friday, March 18, 2011

Human Limitations

I have a tax appointment this morning, two birthday parties this weekend, and an inability to sit for extended periods due to a mishap on the stairs yesterday involving toddlers and mukluk socks.  Everyone is fine except my tailbone.  Excuses, excuses - I likely won't have a true new blog post out this weekend.  Instead, here are some goodies from the archives:

Secrets of the Synapse

Zinc, Depression, and Everything

Acne and Suicide

And because blogging is even more fun when you get paid - if you haven't already (or if you want to re-read), please click over to my two posts at Psychology Today - yesterday I spent some time on the "most read" list (at #5) and was 3rd or 4th in most emailed for much of the day - along with being an "Essential Read" for the site and under the subheading depression.  I have almost 8000 hits for both articles combined. Coupled with PaNu's big entrance, it seems like a great success for paleo!   I also appreciate all the community love in the comments - some newcomers may never have been exposed to these nutrition ideas before and seemed excited, but wanted some tips and had questions about the minutia I wasn't quite prepared for!  Fortunately, you had wonderful ideas and answers over there. 

Welcome to Evolutionary Psychiatry

Your Brain on Omega 3

There is an article or three I would like to blog about - so if I do get a moment, I'll have something new... we shall see!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the Psychology Today post! Glad you got to see how many hits you got. When I was blogging for pay last fall and early winter, the site didn't let us hapless writers know how many hits we got so we never knew if we had thousands of readers or just our siblings and our cat...

    Lose those mukluk slippers. They look cute but are dangerous. We use only slippers with traction now (preferably with backs as slip-on ones come off)--we have mostly hard wood floors because of spouse's not wanting kids to have allergies (they turned out fine), and we all slipped and fell in the loving-hands-knitted slipper socks given us by my mother inlaw before we became prosaic and practical.


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